Monday, October 4, 2010

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Display Macros Tab, Visual Basic Tab

MS Office Excel 2007 is a really unique and new user interface compared to previous release of Office Excel. Familiarizing first with this controls will absolutely help users to work faster in creating tabulated report or even an automated macro or using visual basic editor to create simple to complex working sheet/ forms. But with Excel 2007, accessing the Developer tab (tab to access visual basic, macro controls) as a default is not shown. For it to be shown together and align with the Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas toolbar control a few steps have to be followed. Let's start:

Note: MS Office Excel 2007 should be running before following the procedure/steps numbered below:

1) With the MS Office Excel 2007 running, click the office button as shown in the image below:

2)  After clicking, a window will appear, select and then click Excel Options.

3) Once Excel Options opened, under Popular --> select and checked "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon" --> then click OK.

4) After clicking OK, "Developer" tab should be shown in line with Home, Insert, Page Layout etc. (see illustration below). Try to click on it and menus for Visual Basic, Macros, Source, Import will be shown.

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